Saturday, 30 January 2010

No more, No Les.

I would like to take this opportunity to officially ask Les Horton to put down his crayon, once and for all. His 'column' in the GDN is bland, pointless, rambling and seemingly written by someone in the 8-10 age group. His opinion(s) are flaccid and his arguments are unsubstantiated. His prose is shockingly colourless and infantile. I, and many others like me, have had enough of his patronizing tone. We, the people of Bahrain, do not deserve to be treated like retards. The Gulf Daily News, for all it's many, many shortcomings, remains one of Bahrain's only forums for discussion and opinion. Surely the literate masses deserve better than 'As I See It', the ramblings of an unspectacular mind scrawled onto paper by a lacklustre hand and published in all their monotony in the monochrome pages of mediocrity that has the audacity to label itself the 'Voice of Bahrain'. 

It is clear that the GDN struggles to find content. It is obvious that original thought is included as a mere afterthought; as padding between advertorials, press releases and cinema listings. So it is nothing less than tragic to think that something as rare as opinion be relegated to the desk of a second-tier hack with a genuine inability to explore an idea, an opinion or even a passing thought. Try as I might, I have never once been enlightened, excited, enthused or even merely interested in Mr. Horton's unstructured mumbling. If anything, I sympathise with his position, as unstructured rambling is something I do often, as can be evidenced right here on this blog. And that, Mr. Horton, is where your opinion should be confined. To some easily-accessible, inexpensive, tree-saving, entirely avoidable nether-region of the world wide web. Donate your printed words to someone interesting. To someone intelligent. To someone opinionated. To someone who will relish the opportunity to enlighten, argue or inform. Not Ali Al Saeed. Put down your crayon Mr. Horton. And then, use that point-and-click device the young 'uns love so much to 'surf' to It's free, easy and thankfully, obscure. 

Am I being harsh? I provide links to RANDOM columns for your perusal. Judge for yourselves.

When confronted in the heavily-edited forum that is the letters section of the GDN, Mr. Horton had the decency to defend himself. In his own words (with comments in bold):

"I try to write about a broad mix of local or international issues, or personal experiences that I think others may relate to. (Try harder, or stop trying) "Some are intended to be light-hearted, since I don't believe people need lecturing to day after day and some are just thoughts about life which I believe will touch others. (i.e. shallow and/or lame) "Not everyone will like or relate to every column, but I like to think that each one touches someone. (They might, but only because the GDN is soft, strong and thoroughly absorbent) "I once wrote about being reunited with my brother after many years and received, as a result, a letter from one man who had been inspired by it to pick up the phone to his own brother for the first time in 20 years. (Way to save the world Les) "One lady in Saar wrote in response to my more personal columns that when she read them in the mornings, it felt like she was having coffee with a friend. (There it is... your audience. That one lady in Saar) "I hope you continue to read the column and find something to interest or entertain you, at least occasionally. (We live in hope, but the trees keep falling)

Enough Les. We've had enough. Please stop. The only people who will miss your scrawls as the stockholders of Crayola. We wish you well in all your future endeavours. 


  1. I see that this article. has a different concentration of the LoLic acid substance.
    It is relatively high here.

  2. Les (or Captain Obvious as I like to call) him is great. I love the way he's always against bad things and agrees to good things and stays the hell away from anything controversial.

    If nothing else he's consistent. Consistently boring. But consistent. How many times have I sat at home ignoring all the work I need to do just so that I can read about how les is against crime or for equal rights.

    Even talking about his column is mak....ZZzzzzzZZzzzz

  3. First of all, you have a blog called Why Bahrain Sucks, which must mean you have no friends and no social life. Why would anyone listen to your bullcrap complaining? Nothing is wrong with Les, and at least he doesn't whine about how bahrain "sucks". Get a life.

  4. I am willing to admit that the title of my blog is rather bland, but for you to presume that I 'have no friends and no social life' from three little words is rather presumptuous. Perhaps you are psychic. I am not making people 'listen' to my complaining... I am giving them the OPTION to READ it. And for someone who lacks the ability to invent a unique name with which to post a comment Mr/Mrs/Ms Anonymous, I do not hold your opinion in particularly high regard. And my OPINION of Mr. Horton is merely that.. an opinion. You seem to have enough time to traipse the interweb and post whiny comments Anonymously, so perhaps it's you who needs a life. Thanks for the feedback, it's always appreciated, even from someone as demonstrably tasteless as yourself.

  5. I think you are super harsh and you should keep your negative comments to yourself! I personally like Les's columns because they are full of empathy and human kindness. And all in all its a column, if you dont like it it doesnt mean others dont.. and if you want more serious news etc, go to the business section etc. You sound jaded critic of Bahrain.. who has stolen your pudding?!

  6. Dude you are right on!! For eleven years I have had to endure his garbage. My co-worker has known of les since he came and got a job because Georges wife babs felt sorry for little les. He wouls it in the londoner when the had nice british barmaids, my friend said he would sit all by himself and the barmaids would not even talk to him so all of the BS stories about his swinging bachelor days are a lie. He is boring and mundane and should be replaced with someone fresh and insightfull.

  7. Well Dude, if you think the GDN is bad, have you tried posting a decent, even pro humanitarian 'contrary' comment (with your real name) on Arabian Business. These patronizing media play-actors are self censored petrified zealots and the British abroad version of the Stockholm Syndrome. Challenge them and they even condescend to blantantly inform you of your apparent'out of step' isolation and ignorance of Dubai reality.
    Ah well, it is quiet strange how 'utter blandness' creates a larger following. Perhaps it is just that the masses can relate; but when challenged even slightly, the challenge is.. um... er.. too much of a challenge for most. Hence dire amatuer media as is exists and flourishes in all forms on a board or TV/radio set near you.
    Butterflies betterfly up yours'.

  8. I am here in Bahrain on business and had the good fortune to experience terrible Internet access from my hotel. Really, nothing makes me more happy than having to restart my VPN to the corporate network every five minutes or so. Out of frustration I googled "bahrain internet suck" and found your delightful blog. I have enjoyed reading through your rants. And because my VPN connection won't stay up, I have plenty of time while I wait for the problem to sort itself out. (Though, I am sure the problems have more to do with Bahrain's Internet filters than anything on the hotel network.) :-)

    As this is my first time in Bahrain, I had never come across the GDN, but I must say your comments about Les are spot on. I decided to read some of the articles you linked in your post, are they vapid. And when did a single sentence become the breaking point for a paragraph?

    I'll leave it there, but I just wanted to let you know that your blog has brought me much enjoyment as I try to put Internet frustrations out of my mind. Best of luck!

  9. his column is strangely devoid of a viewpoint. it is reading material that makes the intelligent feel strangely unsatiated, and desiring more details, and the stupid thinking this is real journalism, when an average writer could type his shit up in 10 minutes. not to mention, he has some agenda to his posts, which are to be at once apologetic to the status quo but appear to be progressive or intellectual. i am glad you are complaining of his boobery. he sounds like a nice uncle, who should be confiding his thoughts over a lazy breakfast, not getting paid for professional journalism in a news magazine.

  10. One year on and we see that not just Les Horton but GDN really does suck packing lies and sectarian hatred !

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