Thursday 1 October 2009

Inglorious Bastards.

Bahrain used to be a polite country. Bahrainis have forever applauded themselves for being hospitable, friendly and courteous. It's just one of the ways they pat each other on the back. An unquantifiable, entirely subjective way with which to claim superiority over our neighbours. We might not be as rich, powerful, big or beautiful, but who cares? We are polite. We are gracious. Or so we believe.

This 'theory' can be disproved in seconds. Just get in your car, or someone else's car, and go for a short drive. Within seconds you will be transported into a place filled with hate, rage and utter stupidity. No matter where you are. No matter how good or bad the traffic is. It always ends the same. Honking, jousting for position, the occasional game of chicken and a complete lack of respect.

When did overtaking someone become a personal insult? Even if the person in the fancy, rather capable automobile in front of you is driving slowly, chatting on their phone or eating a shawarma or plucking their eyebrows, as soon as you try to overtake them they speed up. Not enough for you to get on your way, but just enough to prevent you getting in front of them. Because, god forbid, should you manage to get your vehicle between them and their destination, their whole day will go straight to hell.

Go to a mall, or somewhere else where people gather. Try to walk in a straight line. It's impossible. Even if you were there first. Even if you are on your way to somewhere with purpose. The right of way automatically belongs to the other person. This is the new Bahraini mentality. A superiority complex that is overwhelmingly undeserved plagues the people of this Kingdom.

Try being a pedestrian. Actually, don't, unless you harbor a particular desire for pain and/or death. If you are on foot, you are automatically classed as scum. Cross a road at your own peril. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. The only way the person in the shiny SUV will even consider not squishing you is if you look like you might scratch their bumper. Self interest prevails. Selfishness is now fashionable.

Politeness. It was our defining characteristic, and now, its all but gone. I applaud when I see a basic act of decency in public, so rare have they become. Without our manners we are nothing but island-dwellers. Pirates. Uncultured, self-absorbed snobs. Bastards. All of us.

We see it happen and we shrug it off. It has become a way of life. Decency doesn't just come and go... it takes generations to cultivate. And if we continue on our current trajectory, soon Bahrain will be known as that hostile, stuck-up little island overpopulated with assholes. With F1. And, ummm... F1. Y'know, those cars that go fast. My car goes fast. I'm better than you. Why are you here? Fuck off.

It's amusing. The one way we can claim superiority has led to a superiority complex. And our superiority complex has in turn eroded our superiority. Now, we're just arrogant. Can it be fixed? I don't know. Perhaps we should just throw in the towel. We could try to become the most bastardly nation on the planet - a place where self interest prevails, where assholes are cool, where general decency is extinct. Everyone would hate us, but who cares? The only opinion that matters is our own.

And, when people say
"Bahrainis are the rudest people we've ever heard of",
we, like Keith Richards, would reply...
"At least you've heard of us"


  1. So true! Bahrain's reputation was well founded but nowadays everyone seems so anxious.. How the thing changed so quickly? why? It would deserve a serious sociologic study. Was it the wild growth of recent years? More wealth? Seems something went wrong somewhere. Let's hope it can be fixed still and Bahrain will become this friendly island it was again ;)

  2. Yeah. "Asshole" is the new school trend.
    Had to download a course of the Russian Systema to make the assholes think twice before picking on that "Shia kid." Class is all that matters now... inglorious racist bastards.

  3. Whaou! I love this: "Bahrainis are the rudest people we've ever heard of",
    we, like Keith Richards, would reply...
    "At least you've heard of us"


  4. what would driving in bahrain bewe be wiihtout our tuned 10982 cressida's neon lighting, and shiny hubcaps who try to out pace a porsche from jawads to alosra

  5. Couldn't have put it better ourselves, dude! Well said! That's why we started venting in our blog. These days it makes you the odd one out if you try to be the good person in society and all the rest make fun of you. What's worse, if they are wrong they will try to make you the wrongdower. What a sad state we have reached...

  6. exactly, even if someone tries to be nice people will walk over him, if someone was diffent then he's weird and they start to treat him like shit
    jst before i went to sleep last night i was talking to a friend who was sick of people changing and being rude, and he was saying the best solution is to be another bastard like them, well i think everyone thought like that then give us few month and we will be known as the rudest people as u said
